• Using symbols from nature is very traditional in Japanese crests
• The oak leaves are meaningful because we train in Oakland
• Using two items are appropriate because Aikido is a partner practice; we move, learn, and create powerful training relationships with each other
• The yin-yang relationship is appropriate because the roles in Aikido practice are constantly changing; sometimes you are attacker, sometimes the defender, sometimes quickly shifting.
• Staging the leaves diagonally suggests movement
• Oak is symbolic of longevity, stability, persistence, strength, hope and productivity. Some cultures believe the oak was the first tree and the acorn our first food
• Our weapons are often made of oak
• The open leaf design suggests freedom, imagination and spontaneity -- the feeling of takemusu; the leaves enclosed in the circle have a strong sense of strength, stability, continuity, Japanese heritage
• The oak leaves are inspired by traditional Japanese artwork, but modified slightly to create a little more modern experience (significantly the diagonal design and exposed, jagged stem)